INTRO to the 5 Week Study Challenge

Hello fellow AP World History students! Anna Foster here, trying to help us all pass a test, whether it be to prove something to yourself, y...

Monday, April 25, 2016

Week 2 Day 14 (4/26) Latin American Revolutions, Industrial Revolution, Capitalism and Socialism

Welcome to Day 14. The videos to watch are listed in the title.

Please take the following quizzes:

I tried to find a picture of capitalism vs socialism to put here, but it was all ignorant propaganda. Apologies.

Week 2 Day 13 (4/25) American Revolution, French Revolution, Haitian Revolution

Welcome to Day 13, I say, as I write this on Day 13.
Watch these videos listed in the title

Write theses for each of these essay prompts:

  • (COM/CON) Compare and contrast the impact of the Atlantic slave trade in TWO of the following regions, c. 1750-1914.

(Western Africa, Latin America, North America)

  •  (COM/CON) Within the period 1450-1800, compare the process (e.g. political, social, economic) of empire-building in the Spanish Empire with the empire-building process in ONE of the following. (2007)
  •  (The Ottoman Empire or The Russian Empire)

    •  (COM/CON) Compare and contrast the political revolutions in TWO of the following regions, c. 1750-1914.

    (Latin America, North America, East Asia)


    Week 2 Day 12 (4/24) BREAK

    Sorry I'm late on these posts, though I know nobody is actually keeping up with them, much less doing them on time! This is basically a blog to myself. Have fun, self!