Hello fellow AP World History students! Anna Foster here, trying to help us all pass a test, whether it be to prove something to yourself, your peers, your parents, or your college. I know we can probably all pass the test, but I know we have to study a lot!
We have 29 days until the AP World Test starting today, Wednesday the 13th, until the date of the test, May the 12th. I will now detail a five week plan beginning with the rest of this week for us all to pass the test. This plan will include one cheat day per week for you to not study at all. I will make the "schedule" as if all of our cheat days are on Sunday, but if you have a cheat day on a different day, just make sure you are caught up with me by the next Monday. I will make the lesson plans for each day ahead of time so that you can get ahead of me if you want. If it sounds like too much for you, just try your best!
This study challenge will center around John Green's Crash Course videos, which I believe are an excellent and entertaining way to remember some of the most important parts of World History. Also, on a three day repeating cycle, I will include a practice test, study material, and essay prompt. Practice test days are self explanatory. Refresh yourself afterwards on the ones you missed. If it's too hard, make it open book for yourself. Study material will include cram packets, infographics, or quizlets for you to simply read over. Essay prompts will be just like in class when we create a thesis and write down the bullet points for our paragraphs.
Consider this Day 1 of Week 1. Happy studying!