Then, try your hand at THESE essay prompts:
1. (COM/CON) Compare and contrast the political and economic effects of Mongol rule on TWO of the following regions. (2005) China, Middle East, Russia
2. (COM/CON) Analyze similarities and differences in the rise of TWO of the following empires.
A West African Sudanic empire (Mali OR Ghana OR Songhay), Aztec, Mongol


ESSAY 1: The despised rule of the Mongols in Russia and China differed in the ways that it helped and harmed the regions in economic and cultural ways.
ReplyDeletePara 1: The rule of both was completely unappreciated. In Russia the original Kiev empire didn't appreciate their tribute system and eventually fought off the Mongols. In China they were despised for their complete disrespect of the natives. Very violent in both areas.
Para 2: The Kievs migrated to Moscow and it became a center of power during Mongol Rule. This was a benefit wheras in China the only benefit was revitalized trade that did not make up for the loss of culture.
ESSAY 2: The Mongols and the Aztecs both controlled powerful empires and were feared for their military prowess, however, the Mongol rule did not have a unified surviving culture like Aztec influence today.
ReplyDeletePara 1: Both conquered through military prowess and emphasis on strength as a virtue.
Para 2: Aztec had a smaller region but a larger influence. Mongols had way more territory but they have no one particular culture that has survived.